A stranger's meed
von Esbozo del Tonto


a stranger's meed

effiency is not my aim
profiency is my profession
prowess shall wield my brand
whilst enganging thee
thou demonlike slut and those alike

thou shan't not kill
by corporeal force
the elders taught us
but by accountancy instead
three by one, one by three
who shall it be?
why not me

reduced to dihydrogeniumoxide
a bleeding cunt
hence I shan't abide
ungrateful bastard

a hard-on
a gravy
a chromosomal dissention
to be sacked
to be raped
to be racked and whacked
and shaped and smitten by an entity so particular
so intrinsically baleful and utterly devoid of compunction
for pure function is the key
take me or leave me
one diminutive glitch and therefore doomed to fail
why not me
taunt me
fear me
thou indomitable puss driven bitch
for I detest thee
and forever will
and thus thy kin shall take part in thy very own fate

curdled blood betwixt thy hams
rife sordidness
a defiled soul within
ever soaking
never dispensing
although perpetuously disgorging crap

lines and columns
neatly and tentatively assembled
assess it all
rate it all
leave no room for hazardry
and quench what could exceed the trifling experience called "life"

there are names
I know them all
one's deception
to know thy names means to know thee
to know thy names means to rein thee
snot-spouting fanny
ever deceiving
never relieving

hear me
take heed
bear witness
redemption will come soon
cos - though arbitrary -
oblivion is the boon

hope after all I will emerge unscathed

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